A farm and mai mai tour with a touch of rural class was a success, thanks to good weather and a sighting of ducks.

The tour was a fundraiser for Te Tipua School and a chance to gain a true rural experience.

On Thursday, a group of 16 went on a three-hour journey to three Waimumu farms.

One of the event’s organisers, Wendy Shanks, said a mai mai tour was a perfect fundraiser for a rural school.

‘‘These rural schools are always needing more resources and more money,’’ she said.

The day had been successful and it was hoped the tour could be built upon next year, she said.

‘‘Everyone’s had a good time . . . Hopefully we can continue that.’’

Guide John Miller said it had been a brilliant day for the tour.

‘‘Southland really turned on the weather for us,’’ Mr Miller said.

It was a great way to fundraise for the 24 pupils of Te Tipua School, he said.

‘‘It’s a lovely close-knit community, so we really enjoy getting out and showing people what we do on a farm.’’

All the money raised from the tour would help fund the school.

Participant Steph Roy, of Allanton, said it had been an amazing tour.

‘‘Some of [the mai mai] were better than what others have to live in,’’ Mrs Roy said.

‘‘It’s just given us a taste of farming, green pastures, lots of feed, beautiful animals and a whole mob of duck.’’

The ducks had come out for the visitors which had been nice, she said.