Young riders get taste of competing

Such fun. . . Lexi Delahey (7) of Gore leads miniature horse Phantom during the Junior Show and Gymkhana Day held at Hokonui Horse Experiences, Willowbank on Sunday. PHOTO: SANDY EGGLESTON

A Junior Show and Gymkhana Day has given children a chance to experience their first taste of competing in horse events.

Sunday’s event was organised by Hokonui Horse Experiences owner Faith Sahara and staff member Lilly Marsh (16) in Willowbank.

Ms Sahara said many of the riders were relatively new to horse riding.

“The point of [the show] is to encourage children out of their comfort zone and try new experiences with their horses.”

It was a safe and fun way to introduce riders and parents to what it was like to compete at A&P shows, she said.

“Some of them are keen now to do some A&P shows at the end of the year.”

Sunday ride. . . Mikayla Brenssell (6) of Gore rides Quinn led by her mother Janice during the Junior Show and Gymkhana Day held at Hokonui Horse Experiences, Willowbank on Sunday. PHOTO: SANDY EGGLESTON

Some of the children who took part used the business’ horses and the rest brought their own.

Seventeen riders took part in the event.

Judge Shanna Walters, of Tuatapere, gave the riders tips.

There was good sponsorship for the event and the riders were given ribbons, Ms Sahara said.

“They’re not new ribbons they’ve been donated by people.”

The day finished with a fancy dress competition.

“Everyone walked away with prizes and ribbons and encouraged to keep pursuing their horse passion.”