Huanui results show its worth

This week we are releasing the results of the recent Hokonui Huanui evaluation.

This evaluation was completed by an independent researcher and focuses on the impacts of the Huanui project, particularly the services being delivered by the pastoral care team.

In addition to the impacts, the researcher also explored if the project was achieving its intended outcomes, what any unintended outcomes are, the impact of Covid-19 and key insights for the project moving forward.

The researcher identified the following key findings:

The Hokonui Huanui project is achieving its key outcomes; is valued by whanau who use its services; provides localised solutions for local community issues; continues to work on strengthening stakeholder relationships; recognises everyone as belonging in their local community and walks alongside people to support autonomy.

As a result of the Huanui, tamariki and rangatahi have been supported to increase their attendance, gain employment or engage in further education or training.

Whanau and rangatahi who took part in the survey identified the top four supports important to them as coping with Covid, helping them access support, teaching them strategies to cope and helping them find services.

They also identified the benefits of working with the pastoral care team as being less stressed, being healthy and happy, getting a licence, setting their own goals and having better communication skills so they can go out into the community.

The voices of rangatahi and whanau feature strongly in our evaluation document and help us to better understand how to keep delivering services that meet their needs.

Recent feedback from a whanau client said the project ‘‘really help people turn around their lives and give them hope’’.

‘‘I get spoken to as an adult, as a mother, with respect.

‘‘Not everyone speaks to me like that.

‘‘That makes me feel confident to give new things a go, like participating in a course.’’

As a team, we are very pleased with the results of the evaluation and proud of the work we do.