Learning takes commitment

The end of 2022 is approaching fast, but there is plenty of work to be done by the Huanui team before we take a break over the Christmas New Year period.

The team continues to provide the one-to-one support for tamariki, rangatahi and their whanau.

While we have various structured programmes that are due to end over the coming weeks, we are planning for 2023.

We are also working collaboratively with a range of organisations to support the development of new initiatives such as the Hokonui Localities Roopu.

At a recent FRIENDS Resilience programme, we were discussing what it takes to overcome a challenge or achieve a goal.

We used the analogy that a baby isn’t born knowing how to ride a bike, walk, or feed itself.

We discussed that learning something new takes time.

It often needs broken into stages, it takes practise, you can’t expect to do it perfectly the first time, but if you keep trying and don’t give up that eventually you get there.

We also identified the need to have support people that can help you along the way, and the importance of positive self-talk.

The analogy works well and makes sense to the tamariki, especially those aged 6-9.

It helps them to understand the strategies we are trying to teach and hopefully the next time they are tackling a challenge they will remember to take their time, get support, and not give up.

This process applies to the much of the work we do.

In fact, developing and implementing the Huanui Project itself required a massive amount of perseverance, guidance from others, and a firm belief that we could achieve the goal.

It takes time to learn or implement something new.

It’s not likely to go from conception to implementation in one easy step.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and remind ourselves of that — we weren’t born knowing how to ride a bike.

We are privileged to see examples of this perseverance in projects across the community and within the whanau we work with.

Their resolve has helped to strengthen ours.